
Los Angeles Times publica dosarul unei dispute construite in jurul raportului dintre critica literara traditionala, pe hartie, si blogosfera literara.
argumentele partilor:
“If you were an author, would you want your book reviewed in the Washington Post and the New York Review of Books, or on a web site written by someone who uses the moniker NovelGobbler or Biogafriend?”
“The book review section … remains the forum where new titles are taken seriously as works of art and argument, and not merely as opportunities for shallow grandstanding and overblown ranting.”
– The literary blogs are reaching a small audience. While larger newspapers have hundreds of thousands of subscribers, the Elegant Variation, for example, has an estimated 5,000 to 7,500 hits a day, while Champion’s Return of the Reluctant is averaging 40,000 visits a day.
de partea cealalta:
“It’s okay for the lit blogosphere to exist as a version of your Mom’s book club — it’s okay for us to talk books and authors and compare notes on favorites, as long as we keep our place,”
“Have you got that? We must not think for a minute that we contribute anything beyond serving as accessories to the real literary discussions…. We should buy books but not dare to offer well thought opinions on them.”
– blogs can identify and celebrate worthy authors, especially local writers, who are ignored by print media outlets.
exista insa si alte pareri, in afara dihotomiei cronica pe hartie – cronica electronica:
“When bloggers disagree with or agree with an article about books in the mainstream press, it drives traffic to the newspaper,”
The two sides needn’t be in opposition, certainly not at this time. There is a vast ecosystem of information about books out there, and all of it needs our support.”
– “There will always be bloggers who poke at newspapers and editors who resent that poking. But the best of the blogs take a deeper, more nuanced view about coverage, and the best newspapers think about how to leverage what the Internet offers. We need to bring more readers into the discussion, instead of cutting them out.”
– The litblogs could use more editorial care; the newspapers could use more passion and spontaneity. But here’s the good news: the twain can meet.”
aceasta disputa este un moft, daca inregistram si urmatorul argument :
In recent months the Los Angeles Times cut the size of its Book Review and redesigned it to share space with the Opinion section. Reviews have also been cut in San Francisco and St. Petersburg, Fla.; the Chicago Tribune is moving its review to Saturday, where it will reach fewer readers. In all of these cases, publishers cited a lack of ad revenue generated by book reviews. And it is perhaps natural to posit a cause and effect — that as the space for traditional newspaper book reviews shrinks, the online world will grow.
…articolul poarta titlul sugestiv Battle of the book reviews. poate e prea tare spus. oricum, fiecare pozitie poate fi argumentata riguros si la limita, creditata cu incredere. eu optez pentru varianta “pipa pacii”. argumentul meu este ca ambele modalitati de a vorbi despre literatura au teluri specifice, distincte, ce nu se prea intersecteaza si a le opune inseamna a compara pisici si caini.
critica literara traditionala, ca leac de literatura si ca culinarie de haut niveau ar trebui sa acopere aria de cititori traditionali, aia care cumpara inca carti de hartie, citesc reviste literare etc.
blogurile, din contra, patrund in zona e-bookurilor, a autorilor marginali, exotici sau exclusi din alte motive, din circuitul literar curent…
valorile celor doua modalitati de abordare a realitatii literare difera si ele. critica traditionala, grupata in jurul unor reviste sau edituri este autoritatea literara care va face trierea cartilor in functie de anumite criterii estetice, de scriitura, morale sau de alt gen. blogosfera, ca taram al libertatii literare, indiferenta de spatiu, traditii estetice, limita de semne sau linie redactionala, va explora literatura care ramane in afara acestor criterii.
tot de pe web, un interviu cu Iulian Ciocan in Tiuk, in care acesta explica motivele reintoarcerii la Chisinau, dupa studiile facute, stralucit, in Romania: “Or, ceea ce conteaza cu adevarat in literatura nu e locul in care traiesti, ci felul cum scrii.” e reluarea frumoasei metafore noiciene despre Germania untului si despre spiritul filozofic care nu are neaparat nevoie de comoditati sofisticate pentru a crea…il admir pentru pozitia asta, in parte pentru ca are si niste valente ce-mi alcatuiesc o buna parte din autobiografie…

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